Sunday, December 18, 2016

"Feminism" in Magazines

   Losing weight; eating right; clothing; sex appeal. These are just a few of the many things women are used for across advertisements everywhere. This mostly occurs in magazines. Although many women today refuse to be thought of as objects, they still use photoshop, editing, and "attractive" tips about losing weight or exercising or even tips about sex/how to get a guy to like you. For example, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, an actress, dancer, and mother, can be seen to some women as inspirational for juggling her lifestyle while being a mom and staying fit. However, on front cover of Cosmopolitan, she is all done up, wearing a two-piece outfit, and posing with the caption "NEXT LEVEL SEX". Is this really what young men, women, and even moms should be seeing on the front page of a magazine?! Women these days "talk the talk," but never seem to "walk the walk." I'm not judging models or anyone who wants to show-off their bodies, I mean I'm all for body and self love. But when you're someone's idol and young girls look up to feminist or just inspirational women, they need to see that women aren't just used as props or a marketing technique to draw you in. 
   I was at target the other day and I happened to pass by the rack of magazines in front of the register, including the one with Jenna Dewan-Tatum on the cover. I counted maybe twelve magazines with women on the front, five of which were about the typical female cover (as I mentioned earlier), about three on women's scandals/private lives, and the rest were miscellaneous. Only a few I saw actually pictured strong, beautiful, joyful women who weren't looking to be in the news, make a cover story, or share the same "tips and tricks" that magazines believe all women want read about. Times are changing and media needs to catch up. There needs to be more women on covers who aren't photoshopped or in sexy or revealing outfits. I know this generation is slowly on its way to that point, but it's still kinda off to a rough start. I just wish that these female icons and influences would follow the tips and advice they give to others not only through media, but even through magazine covers and headlines. Women and young girls need to actually see the women and young girls of today who inspire them. Not the photoshopped, picture perfect Barbie dolls they see on TV or in magazines. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I've seen so many magazines follow this trend of natural beauty and make their cover-girls seem like they have no makeup on lately. They seem to be promoting this major feminist idea in theory, but in reality their headlines and content are completely misrepresenting women. The media is totally conflicted and hypocritical.
