James was chosen for his talent and artistry. It's not about gender anymore. It's more about the face of the company and the message that company's trying to send. Covergirl is trying to reach out to both men and women who enjoy and live off of doing make-up and cosmetics. They're trying to appeal to make-up artists in general, aspiring and already famous. Covergirl is using this new direction and message of equality to give their company an edge over the competition. By using this newly discovered face of make-up, no pun intended, they can reach a wider, more progressive audience than any other cosmetics brand. However, there are some pros and cons in their marketing techniques.
Covergirl's new direction is "equality." Yet, they still feature women and use them as their focus. That's not really gender equality. Although, they do feature many women of different skin tones, which very much racial equality. In addition, James' voice is the main voiceover of the entire ad, which is the voice you'll remember and associate with the product. Overall, Covergirl gets the idea. At least this company is more progressive than other cosmetic brands. They're actually trying something new and of this time. It's time for other companies to step up their game.
I remember hearing about James Charles as well in some post on Buzzfeed or Instagram. It's cool that Covergirl is trying to be more open with its models. However, I agree that Covergirl is doing this largely to try and attract new customers by appealing to other demographics. While Covergirl is being more open with its models, they do have ulterior motives besides being inclusive. Perhaps more male models will show up in cosmetic ads in the future. While this has attracted much attention, I don't know how affective it's going to be in getting more customers. Like you said, not as many men use these sorts of cosmetics themselves. While this may make more men who do use makeup go get Covergirl products, this is a fairly small demographic.